Bruno Vandermeulen holds an MA in Fine Arts, Photography from the LUCA School of Arts, Brussels, Belgium. Since 2002 he is employed at the KU Leuven. He has wide experience in inventarisation and digitization projects in the field of cultural heritage on local, national and international level. He is the head of the Imaging Lab of the University Library, a center of expertise on digitization and art-technical imaging (RICH project) of documentary heritage. He is responsible for dARTS, the image repository of the Faculty of Arts used by various teaching and research projects. Apart from the digitization of the KU Leuven heritage, his expertise and the service of the Imaging Lab is hired more and more by other museums and collections such as Museum Plantin Moretus (Unesco World Heritage) or Museum Mayer van den Bergh.

Major projects involved: RICH RICHFlandricaEuropeanaPhotographyEuropeanaSpaceSagalassos Project, …
