Since 2015 Lieve Watteeuw and Catherine Reynolds are researching the collection of medieval illuminated manuscripts of the Leuven University. The Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Universities of Leuven – Louvain involves the holdings of medieval illuminated manuscripts in both sister University collections: in KU Leuven kept in the Special Collections, in the University Archive and in the Library of the Faculty of Theology (the Maurits Sabbe Library), and in UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve kept in the University Archives. In total ca. seventy medieval illuminated manuscripts. with miniatures and decorated folios are studied and described in detail. Beside the renowned and richly illuminated Neapolitan Bible made for Robert of Anjou (ca. 1340), there are illuminated Books of Hours of Flemish, Dutch, Italian and French origin, Antiphonaries, Prayer books, liturgical, legal and scientific works. Rosamunde Baele and Floortje Clerix are junior collaborators in this project, together with dr. Anne Dubois of UCL. The richly illuminated catalogue will be published in 2021 by Peeters Publishers.